Freedom of Religion and Belief in a State Department Report


  • Людмила Александровна Филипович



Freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of religion and belief - the natural right of any person in any community. As experience has shown, it is this right, which is subjected to the greatest infringement, oppression, discrimination, and persecution. This right requires constant support and assistance from state and public institutions. In order to protect freedom of religion and religion, various platforms have been created to promote freedom of religion or belief, which is protected by numerous international conventions and declarations, including conventions and declarations of the United Nations (UN) and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Within the UN, issues of religious freedom are addressed primarily by the Human Rights Council, including its new Universal Periodic Review (VPO) procedure, as well as by monitoring it by the Special Rapporteur (independent expert) on freedom of religion or belief. The Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly, through the adoption of their resolutions, monitor situations using thematic experts, including the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, 32 as well as appointing or continuing the work of Special Rapporteurs specializing in certain countries. The OSCE continues to be an important forum in which the 56 participating States report on their broad obligations in the field of religious freedom.


