The Utopia of a Single Christianity and the Convergence Processes in it


  • Павло Юрійович Павленко



Today, at the turn of the millennium, a unique situation has arisen for all mankind, which puts it, for the first time in its history, before the problem of choice and the drawing of its further destiny, that is, it induces to solve a number of fateful questions which, in one way or another, are reduced to one: "Is it possible for the further existence of mankind?", because failure (or false solutions) to the existing global problems of modernity will mean its death (and, perhaps, the end of all life on Earth).



How to Cite

“The Utopia of a Single Christianity and the Convergence Processes in it” (2005) Ukrainian Religious Studies, (35), pp. 139–151. doi:10.32420/2005.35.1601.