To Peter Lavrentievich Yarotsky - 70 years!


  • Редколегія Журналу



On June 19, 2002, we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the famous Ukrainian scientist, one of the founders of the modern school of national religious studies, Peter Lavrentievich Yarotsky. This date is recognized by colleagues and students of Peter Lavrentiovich in view of his vast scientific achievements. He is one of the few representatives of Ukrainian science, who, even in the unfavorable time of Soviet creative work, managed to elaborate, elaborate and elaborate material on religious issues, to find a constructive realization of his research talents in various state and scientific institutions. The “baptism of war” of a demanding journalism school with its lessons of communication, mobility, encyclopedic competence, and no less - its friendly, respectful approach to people in general allowed Yarotsky to reap a fruitful harvest of “field research” without abusing himself, to promote as much as possible a positive solution to acute problems of religious life. In particular, his fundamental work on selfishness can serve as an example of a highly skilled, calm analysis of a religious scholar of an organically tolerant culture.





Reflections, Informations, Reviews

How to Cite

“To Peter Lavrentievich Yarotsky - 70 years!” (2002) Ukrainian Religious Studies, (22), pp. 120–121. doi:10.32420/2002.22.1344.