In the networks of the present: methodological dictation of the subject of research by Natalya Gavrilova


  • Оксана Горкуша



When we turn to N.S. Gavrilova, our attention is attracted by the fact that all the topics in which she carried out scientific research, had a sign of "modernity". This is the first topic of his dissertation research - "Religious consciousness of contemporary students in the context of ideological pluralism (on materials of Ukraine)" and a scientific monograph. Of course, the choice of the subject of the candidate research largely and for a long time determines any scientific research and reflection of the researcher, who seems to fall into the enchanted circle of specific subject-methodological attraction. That modernity has not accidentally marked the scientific work of this young religious scholar.



How to Cite

“In the networks of the present: methodological dictation of the subject of research by Natalya Gavrilova” (2014) Ukrainian Religious Studies, (70), pp. 14–22. doi:10.32420/2014.70.401.

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