"Golden Dawn" of the Kyiv Metropolis and the leading tendencies of confessionalization of the Ukrainian church-religious environment in the first half of the XVII century


  • Микола Шкрибляк




Actualization of the study of the phenomenon of the "golden age" of the Kyiv Metropolis is due to many factors, the key place of which is the idea of ​​national-religious self-identification of Ukrainians at the present stage of state-building and development of the Ukrainian nation. This complex task is inextricably linked with the idea of ​​sovereignty and unity of the state, which is one of the important prerequisites for the proclamation of the autocephalous structure and territoriality of the church, and therefore requires not only theoretical substantiation but also the search for historical and title models of its realization, one of which is the idea Ukrainian Patriarchate as a Local Church. This idea, left to us by inheritance as a great devotee of faith and piety, is a church-religious and political figure, a scientist and theologian, the first-priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Peter Mogila, and still remains unrealized to this day.



How to Cite

“‘Golden Dawn’ of the Kyiv Metropolis and the leading tendencies of confessionalization of the Ukrainian church-religious environment in the first half of the XVII century” (2013) Ukrainian Religious Studies, (66), pp. 143–157. doi:10.32420/2013.66.261.