ВІД ЗАХИСТУ ТРИДЕНТСЬКОЇ МЕССИ ДО РЕВІЗІЇ СВЯЩЕННОГО ПИСАННЯ (Реценція на: Lundberg M. A Pope of Their Own: El Palmar de Troya and the Palmarian Church. Second Edition. Uppsala Studies in Church History 11. Uppsala: Uppsala University, Department of Theol
ВІД ЗАХИСТУ ТРИДЕНТСЬКОЇ МЕССИ ДО РЕВІЗІЇ СВЯЩЕННОГО ПИСАННЯ (Реценція на: Lundberg M. A Pope of Their Own: El Palmar de Troya and the Palmarian Church. Second Edition. Uppsala Studies in Church History 11. Uppsala: Uppsala University, Department of Theology, 2020)
Lundberg M. A Pope of Their Own: Palmar de Troya and the Palmarian Church. Uppsala Studies in Church History 1. Uppsala: Uppsala University, Department of Theology, 2017. 247 p.
Introvigne M. Review: A Pope of Their Own: El Palmar de Troya and the Palmarian Church by Magnus Lundberg. Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions. 2019. № 22 (3). Pp. 168–171.
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Introvigne M. Review: A Pope of Their Own: El Palmar de Troya and the Palmarian Church by Magnus Lundberg. Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions. 2019. № 22 (3). Pp. 168–171.
Magnus Lundberg [personal website]. URL: https://magnuslundberg.net/ (дата звернення: 03.10.2024)
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